Sunday, January 24, 2021

Week With Sun

Soon I'll watch the five-hour film Fin recommended.

I haven't been abominably bad, even though it's winter and no one has news anymore

Emma asked if I was finding it difficult to kill time.

Right now, I'm drawn to movement and my artistic pursuit. I'm not in a mood to pretend. 

There was a line in a tv show I watched where one character was proud of another character solely for his decisiveness. I thought that was beautiful.

My sister and I unraveled an argument about risk-taking during the pandemic. Afterwards, we talked about finding a dress to wear to our other sister's wedding. It's in April.

I think I get more serious in the winter, like a stern caricature of myself. Please laugh.

I have a lot of sore spots right now.

My horoscopes are telling me that it's my turn to receive. I joked about the Annie Lenox song while driving.

I'm practicing vulnerability in hopes that I am loved and accepted in return.

Missing can be monumental.

As I was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty.

Dear Diary

Blood Relatives I haven't met most of them. Poland. Place I've only been to once and a sense of rupture within me comes to mind when...