Monday, November 16, 2020


The lady must have a bird feeding route. I saw her twice: once at the beach, another time beneath an overpass. At first, I thought she was crazy, but then Jackson told me about the man who drove up next to herhow he parked the car and waited for her as she finished throwing the last crumbs.

I wrote my first poem in months. It's called "We Should Be Together" and it's romantic.

Our heat didn't work for a day and a half; I started muttering in Polish whenever my dog annoyed me. My roommates laughed.

I hate my ego and think about it ruthlessly. My sister tells me I have a propensity to find The Negative. Talk about self-discovery.

As a child I felt special, like I understood something nameless, which most others couldn't. I took an IQ test on the toilet and scored one point above average. I win.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

It's my blog but you can read it

In the last week I took note of the nuances in my friends' political views. We don't all feel the same way

The days I didn't work felt harsh. I had one of those waves of despair that washed over me. I don't mean it in a big deal way, but it made me want to collect rocks and stack them all around the house.

I found myself watching Zadie Smith interviews. She talked in one about listening. She said conservative outrage stemmed at its core from a discomfort with language. Certain words, or arrangements of words, that ultimately provoked them. ex: "Black Lives Matter"...a statement excluding white disturbing.

It made me want to go back to grade school to see where people got messed up.

Thought about calling my mom.

Is it normal to know what you're going to say before you say it? Or does it all just kind of happen naturally?  you figure out what you're thinking as it comes out. 

I'm getting a little bored of myself. I'm reading Kafka for the first time.

Dear Diary

Blood Relatives I haven't met most of them. Poland. Place I've only been to once and a sense of rupture within me comes to mind when...